From her journey to her death, one thing that my group noticed was the rich’s ignorance. While the main character Desiree is a pure, innocent, and naive girl, the rich people, Daniel and his father, misled her and pushed her off the cliff. Desiree had really pure thoughts and the upper-class people destroyed that piece of pureness. Among the aristocratic world, Desiree is never a part of it. She made effort to fit in but her destiny rejected her. People looked down on her and thought she did not deserve to love Daniel. In addition, Daniel's father made Tonton go back to his town which was in far away by foot instead of providing a helicopter. Daniel fooled Desiree, who was willing to give her everything for him, even her life. Therefore, we want to make a scene that focuses on the contrast of rich and poor. According to what We felt, the upper-class people will be drawn as bad guys and peasants will be drawn as victims of rich's bossing.
Because there are four people in this group, the video should be at least 20 minutes long. Nothing is sure yet, but it seems like Ryan is going to be Daniel, Ben is going to be Daniel's father, James is going to be Tonton, and Julie is going to be Desiree. We are thinking about doing about six scenes from the book. To highlight the conflict between the rich and poor, we will use costumes, languages, music, and body languages.

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