For the project, my group and I have already finished the script, stage effects and the first draft of filming. These combined together took us one week.
It's really been a tough process for my group, especially at the beginning. Most of the group members were lacking understanding to the movie, and I have to admit that I'm still having troubles comprehending a few parts of the plot. Movies are usually consist of complex scenes, and our chosen work is a great example of that. The combination of flashbacks really made our scene selection process hard. Each flashback moment is related to one of the question that's been asked in the show. There were so many scenes that could be used but we have to gave up some and arrange for the best. Another problem was that it was hard for us to come up with ideas of designing details. We tried to mimic the movie as much as possible, but I still think my group's performance lacks creativity and thoughts. It's hard to describe cultural aspects when we don't know about it. There's a gigantic gap between our performance and the movie. The movie was full of depressed emotions and scenes that make people reflect a lot, while our performance is plain and bored. Lastly, the issue that's bothering us the most is that we are not able to show how the flashback scenes are connecting to the questions. In the script, my group cut too many scenes that might well-explain the plot's logic. For example, one of the questions was "Which U.S president is on the one hundred dollar bill?". The main character - Jamal was supposed to answer the question from recalling memories that appeared in the flashbacks. But we gave really vague explanation in the flashback scene, since it's much shorter than the original scene. Many said that they could not get the idea.
However, there are a few things that are going well for us. Cooperating is essential for a teamwork. There's almost zero conflicts in our group and we feel comfortable working with each other. So new ideas are keep coming out and we really are trying to improve this project. The first thing that we have to solve is the comprehension problem. How the audience are able to understand our work? We started to create lines and scenes that can help explaining the connection. For example, in one of the "present" scenes(during the show), Jamal will whispering that "I remember when I took the money.." to connects to the last flashback. Another new line that shows the identity of flashback scene was added in when Jamal says: "I remember when I was little..." And actually turns to the audience and think. I felt like this works better for the transition part.
For me, individually, I think my acting skills are still not utilizing well during the performance. My group did not practice efficiently before the actual filming, so that's something that we have to make up later. I need to remember my lines better and be more emotional. These are really the most basic things for performing but I'm still doing a horrible job. I can admit that a great part of the reasons that the show is not good enough is because of my wrong attitude.
I believe that we are going to do better in the rest of the time, since we still have great team spirit and atmosphere. It just take each one of us more time to reflect and improve.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
New impression of comedy
The first thing I thought of when I saw the title was that the show is going to be funny, but I didn't know that it's such hilarious. A lot of the moments just made me shivering on the chair, they were absolutely great. My favorite scene was the morning meeting one, the impressions of different teachers couldn't be better. I can tell that the designing crew really put a lot of efforts in mimic the teachers' language and signature actions. Other scenes were quite impressive too, such as the beginning scene, which is a fantastic demonstration of the prevailing political campaign in U.S. Just like the meeting scene, the play and the actors were just experts in mimicking different people and events. This element plays an important role that connects the audience and what's going on at the stage closely. The audience can understand the plot better while laughing crazily.
Another good thing about the play is that the props were used suitably and efficiently. Expressing the atmosphere of the scenes and very simple. The backstage staff were being very professional and adept at switching everything on the stage. I was so impressed by it because I realized how much work they had to put in during the practices.
However, there were also some scenes that were not such appropriate, in my opinion. Well, the idea of cross-gender acting was an issue. It worked fine for some places, but I don't like it overall. It might be fun to see a male actor to perform female characteristics, but this theme lasted for over half of the show. It wasn't really presenting the strength of this form of acting but decreasing the audience's interest in the show. I believe that in quite a few scenes, cross-gender acting was really not necessary. Female characters could totally played by female actors. Take an example of the swan and alien scenes, where all of the female characters were played by boys. There were already several places like that already, so the idea was not fresh anymore, the funny part therefore did not play its role.
Overall, the performance went well and I really liked it!
Another good thing about the play is that the props were used suitably and efficiently. Expressing the atmosphere of the scenes and very simple. The backstage staff were being very professional and adept at switching everything on the stage. I was so impressed by it because I realized how much work they had to put in during the practices.
However, there were also some scenes that were not such appropriate, in my opinion. Well, the idea of cross-gender acting was an issue. It worked fine for some places, but I don't like it overall. It might be fun to see a male actor to perform female characteristics, but this theme lasted for over half of the show. It wasn't really presenting the strength of this form of acting but decreasing the audience's interest in the show. I believe that in quite a few scenes, cross-gender acting was really not necessary. Female characters could totally played by female actors. Take an example of the swan and alien scenes, where all of the female characters were played by boys. There were already several places like that already, so the idea was not fresh anymore, the funny part therefore did not play its role.
Overall, the performance went well and I really liked it!
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Jamal thinking about the answer - Darkness new version
Show host ready to say answer - drum sound effect
Audience Cheering - Applause sound effect
Jamal and Salim escaping - William Tell Overtune
Salim ready to kill kidnapper - Western duel music(The good, the bad and the ugly theme)
Hindi and the crew discussing about the intrigue - in the hall of the Mountain king(Grieg)
Jamal winning the money - Chariots of Fire theme
Show host ready to say answer - drum sound effect
Audience Cheering - Applause sound effect
Jamal and Salim escaping - William Tell Overtune
Salim ready to kill kidnapper - Western duel music(The good, the bad and the ugly theme)
Hindi and the crew discussing about the intrigue - in the hall of the Mountain king(Grieg)
Jamal winning the money - Chariots of Fire theme
One of the question's song - Darshan Do Ghanshyam
Gun shot sound effect
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Confused progress
My group and I have encountered a few barriers that are keeping us away from designing the performance fluently. To me, Jamal Malik is a total stranger few days ago, and maybe he still is. Most of the group members only got the chance to went though the whole movie briefly, since only one of us have the resource. The lack of detail and understanding to the movie makes me nervous and becoming short of ideas. In the first step, which was the distribution of characters, each one of us had an idea of what we prefer to act so it was decided pretty fast. But problem came immediately: how are we going to demonstrate the characters that we don't know that well. I really need more time to digest the figures in the movie that represent the author's ideas. One of us suggested that we don't need to follow the movie completely, I can just insert my own understanding into the performance.
My role in the play is Jamal Malik, the character that shows up most frequently. It may be a tough experience for me, because I don't know much about Indian culture. But I would say Jamal's character is definitely not the hardest to perform, since his characteristics generally remain stable. Unlike his brother, who evolved from a smart kid to a killer, to a criminal, Jamal is always like a piece of white paper but covered with ink - reflecting India's most bottom parts of society's darkness while remains white and pure inside. It's going to be hard to perform all that, showing his fear as well as strength. How humble he is when facing all the treasure in front of him, because of all the darkness he had witnessed.
Friday, May 13, 2016
Character development
Jamal Malik - play by Ben
- In our performance, his character appears in different ages, because of the flashbacks. But the general development of Jamal goes from a little orphan who is accompanied by the brother, to a incredible game winner. In Jamal's childhood, he had a vagrant and dark life among india's streets. As an orphan, he and his brother begged for life. The criminal kidnapped the two naive, innocent child, and their lives were no longer the same. However, Jamal's pureness still remains in his heart, comparing to his brother. When the scene flashbacks to where they came back for revenge, Jamal didn't touch the kidnapper's blood. He uses his experiences as wealth instead of changing by it. This "wealth" brought him extreme pains but eventually turns into true assets. His character at the show was still the little Jamal, innocent and tough.
- In our performance, his character appears in different ages, because of the flashbacks. But the general development of Jamal goes from a little orphan who is accompanied by the brother, to a incredible game winner. In Jamal's childhood, he had a vagrant and dark life among india's streets. As an orphan, he and his brother begged for life. The criminal kidnapped the two naive, innocent child, and their lives were no longer the same. However, Jamal's pureness still remains in his heart, comparing to his brother. When the scene flashbacks to where they came back for revenge, Jamal didn't touch the kidnapper's blood. He uses his experiences as wealth instead of changing by it. This "wealth" brought him extreme pains but eventually turns into true assets. His character at the show was still the little Jamal, innocent and tough.
Salim Malik - played by Joseph
- Salim's character went through the most changes in the performance. Starting from his childhood: as Jamal's older brother, he was protective and tough. His characteristics were reflected by every moments. When they were trapped by the kidnapper, Salim was extremely calm and intelligent. He used the acid to made the kidnapper blind, and brings his brother out of danger. However, because of his belligerent personality, Salim changed into another person while growing up. He went back with his brother to the bad guy, and executed the pathetic kidnapper. Violence grew in Salim's heart at that moment. Later, Salim chose to walk the path of criminals and became a negative character. It's a contrast to his brother who remains innocent.
The "Millionaire"s Host - played by Leo
- The host did not have such significant changes like Salim throughout the play. He is consistently excited by Jamal's answer, whether it's caused by show effect or true excitement. The host is also hypocritical dramatic - There's a controversy in the process of designing Leo's acting, that as an upper level(rich) TV host, he held discrimination deep inside of his heart. But we can't really show that in the performance, because his identity of TV host requires his respect to Jamal. In the movie, the torture and interrogation of Jamal showed how people are skeptical about his knowledge, but we will delete that scene in our performance, and therefore the people(including the host)'s despise to Jamal can't be demonstrated that well. Finally, we decided to keep the part where the host mislead Jamal to the wrong answer to show how insincere he is to the poor young man's success.
- The host did not have such significant changes like Salim throughout the play. He is consistently excited by Jamal's answer, whether it's caused by show effect or true excitement. The host is also hypocritical dramatic - There's a controversy in the process of designing Leo's acting, that as an upper level(rich) TV host, he held discrimination deep inside of his heart. But we can't really show that in the performance, because his identity of TV host requires his respect to Jamal. In the movie, the torture and interrogation of Jamal showed how people are skeptical about his knowledge, but we will delete that scene in our performance, and therefore the people(including the host)'s despise to Jamal can't be demonstrated that well. Finally, we decided to keep the part where the host mislead Jamal to the wrong answer to show how insincere he is to the poor young man's success.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
New demonstration of classic work - Final Project Proposal
My final project will be based on the short story, "The Little Match Girl". There's probably no one in this world that haven't heard of this story. But if you don't, it's written by one of the most popular fairy tale writers - Hand Christian Andersen. This most famous work basically tells how a little girl was trying to sell her matches. It took place in the New Year's Eve, the little girl had been living in poverty since she was borned. She could not either sell out her matches or go home. During the process of selling matches, the little girl couldn't resist the cold and had to light up a few of her matches to warm herself, and the amazing parts of the story started happening since then. Different scenes started to occur in the little girl's vision, there was a warm, wonderful meal inside of the windows. The family reunions in front of the table and are all having a good time. The little girl couldn't reach any of it and could do nothing but watching. The second match made her see her grandmother, gracious beloved grandmother, who was dead. She keep lighting up the rest of her matches so grandmother could not escape from her eyes. Finally, the little girl ended up dying in the cold with hypothermia. The story is so touching and heart-breaking, but that's why I'm trying to transform it into the performance.
There are a few things that I want to discuss in this proposal.
My performance will be requiring at least three to four actors. The character distribution varies depending on the number of actors we have. The little girl's character will remain constant from the beginning to the end. If only three actors are available, actors besides the little girl's will be involved in the "big meal" and also one of them will be the grandmother in another scene. If four or more characters are involved, the grandmother's character can be performed by one and therefore others will be at the meal. In the last scene, The "meal characters" can also be the people on the street who found out about the girl's death.
There will be seven scenes in the performance. The opening scene will give the audience an idea of what's going on. The stage will be set up as the street, the little girl holding the matches and passers just walking by her without giving a look. The little girl will be dressed with very few clothes and shivering in the snow. At the end of first scene, she will be lighting up her first match. After a brief blackout, the second scene will occur with a brighter light, and there are people sitting around the table with incredible food. The little girl is observing and expressing her feelings. The third scene will be shifting back to the street, and she lights up the the second match at the end. After that, will be the scene where she spends time with her grandma, all of the good times are shown. At the end, the grandma starts to walk away but she is not able to reach her. The fifth scene is just like the third one where it shifts back to the street, but this time she used all of her matches. In the sixth scene, the little girl will be with her grandmother for ever, because she has already died but her death is not shown yet. The last scene will be where people finds out her death.
Above is all of the ideas of my final project.
There are a few things that I want to discuss in this proposal.
My performance will be requiring at least three to four actors. The character distribution varies depending on the number of actors we have. The little girl's character will remain constant from the beginning to the end. If only three actors are available, actors besides the little girl's will be involved in the "big meal" and also one of them will be the grandmother in another scene. If four or more characters are involved, the grandmother's character can be performed by one and therefore others will be at the meal. In the last scene, The "meal characters" can also be the people on the street who found out about the girl's death.
There will be seven scenes in the performance. The opening scene will give the audience an idea of what's going on. The stage will be set up as the street, the little girl holding the matches and passers just walking by her without giving a look. The little girl will be dressed with very few clothes and shivering in the snow. At the end of first scene, she will be lighting up her first match. After a brief blackout, the second scene will occur with a brighter light, and there are people sitting around the table with incredible food. The little girl is observing and expressing her feelings. The third scene will be shifting back to the street, and she lights up the the second match at the end. After that, will be the scene where she spends time with her grandma, all of the good times are shown. At the end, the grandma starts to walk away but she is not able to reach her. The fifth scene is just like the third one where it shifts back to the street, but this time she used all of her matches. In the sixth scene, the little girl will be with her grandmother for ever, because she has already died but her death is not shown yet. The last scene will be where people finds out her death.
Above is all of the ideas of my final project.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Exam Reflection
Generally speaking, I finished the two exams with mostly satisfaction. The test timing was managed and only few obstacles in generating ideas occurred. However, there were still a few things that could have been improved.
Exam one was a smaller burden to me comparing to the second one. First of all, the questions given were not so hard to comprehend because of the level of vocabularies in them. I selected the third one which was the one that I thought the easiest one. "How does the author utilized the element of fantasy to better explain the story." The novel that I used - The whale rider has a substantial amount of fantasy inside, so it was much easier for me to write about it. I talked about two passages generally which was Chapter 17 and Chapter 18, and one of them specifically(18). The scenes described the ending part before the epilogue, where Kahu communicated with the whale and left the village with the accompany of it. The reason why I picked it is because that it's the climax of the story, which is really emotional and excited, also that it is great illustration of the essence of Kahu's(Maori) cultural background. I explained that it's quite "fantasy" that Kahu is able to communicate and travel with the whale herd.
Exam two was a little bit more stressful because I ran out of ideas in the middle of writing. It was really a bad feeling because of the blank in my brain. However, it didn't last for a long time, so it didn't affect fluency. "How does the author utilize deep or sudden insights to make readers understand the novel." The controversy in this title to me was that everyone has different perspectives to the term "insight". But I expressed my own understanding to it in my article, I talked about how the two poets created insightful scenes in readers minds that help them understands the idea better by "looking" and "sense".
The exams were definitely great reflections of what I have learned this year, and I can feel that my writing ability had improved but I still need deeper understanding to the spirit in the books/poems but not just words.
Exam one was a smaller burden to me comparing to the second one. First of all, the questions given were not so hard to comprehend because of the level of vocabularies in them. I selected the third one which was the one that I thought the easiest one. "How does the author utilized the element of fantasy to better explain the story." The novel that I used - The whale rider has a substantial amount of fantasy inside, so it was much easier for me to write about it. I talked about two passages generally which was Chapter 17 and Chapter 18, and one of them specifically(18). The scenes described the ending part before the epilogue, where Kahu communicated with the whale and left the village with the accompany of it. The reason why I picked it is because that it's the climax of the story, which is really emotional and excited, also that it is great illustration of the essence of Kahu's(Maori) cultural background. I explained that it's quite "fantasy" that Kahu is able to communicate and travel with the whale herd.
Exam two was a little bit more stressful because I ran out of ideas in the middle of writing. It was really a bad feeling because of the blank in my brain. However, it didn't last for a long time, so it didn't affect fluency. "How does the author utilize deep or sudden insights to make readers understand the novel." The controversy in this title to me was that everyone has different perspectives to the term "insight". But I expressed my own understanding to it in my article, I talked about how the two poets created insightful scenes in readers minds that help them understands the idea better by "looking" and "sense".
The exams were definitely great reflections of what I have learned this year, and I can feel that my writing ability had improved but I still need deeper understanding to the spirit in the books/poems but not just words.
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